11 April 2008

I like it!

So as usual iTunes prompted me to install its latest version this evening and as usual I made to ignore the prompt (nothing against iTunes, everything against doing anything that will require a reboot of my computer; I HATE rebooting my computer). Then I noticed something, this prompt listed Safari 3.1. A Windows version of the Apple browser? (I am so last year, I know) this I have got to see. The required reboot afterwards aside, I am loving the browser so far.


SongReach said...

how have you been?

ababoypart2 said...

I went into Apple's store in Regent street and feel in love with the Safari Browser. Firefox will take a back seat for now.

Kush said...

yeah safari is the bombdiggity. I like the smooth metallic finish and the toolbar that enables you to go to your favourites without having to scroll through the menus