06 June 2007

He is back!

Raphael is back!!!

I did a little cheer as he hobbled out from the back room. He looks a little tired and all that, his eyes looked a little tired, poor thing. The deli was busy so we didn't get a chance to do do more than say hello and keep it moving. I'll go down later to buy chips or something to catch up. By the way, my sandwich is great!


Anonymous said...

Where in LA do you work? Downtown?

adefunke said...

@ Mochafella - El Segundo

Anonymous said...

Oh my, hiding in my backyard enh? I can probably see your building from my office.

Anonymous said...

Good for you!!

adefunke said...

@Mochafella - Probably, where do u work?

Anonymous said...

On Century blvd, just north of LAX. What bldg is yours?

adefunke said...

Na, you can't see my office from way over there, I am on the Manhattan Beach end of Rosecrans

Anonymous said...

Oh I see, close to the Fry's. Raphael's sandwich(es) must be something, there's a bunch of places to eat lunch in that area.

adefunke said...

Yeah close to the Fry's. Enough places to eat, a combination of factors keep me going to the deli in my building; trying to eat healthy, my lazy behind hates walking, don't like eating out alone and ... shhh don't tell anybody, I like seeing Raphael!

Anonymous said...

Now I know why Raphael gave you a strange look when you paid for your sandwich - it was not a dollar bill, it was your number.

Shh! I won't tell anyone either :-)

Anonymous said...

lol, I won't tell ... yet. Let's have lunch sometime, shoot me an email whenever. mochafella at gmail.com